Flask has a concept of template filters, which allow you to modify the presentation of variables in Jinja templates.
A useful filter I have included in my projects is a custom filter to "pretty print" datetime objects, so a database field like 2016-12-26 14:12:38 can be easily shown as 12/26 for example.
First, add the custom filter to your app:
from myapp import app
def pretty_date(dttm):
return dttm.strftime("%m/%d")
Alternatively, if you wanted to include this in a Flask Blueprint it would be:
my_blueprint = Blueprint('blue_name', __name__, template_folder='templates')
def pretty_date(dttm):
return dttm.strftime("%m/%d")
Then just call it in your template like any of the built-in filters:
# my_template.html
My date is {{ my_object.created_at | pretty_date }}